Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Parade of Power

Many concerns are appearing seeing how "strong" Georgian Army is! But we need even stronger - they say. All the politicians are silent to show how patriotic they are.
So there are many questions very important to have answers from these politicians, like:
Why we need the army at all, whom we are going to fights with?
Can we really plan any war to win?
Can anybody win any war in Caucasus?
Is army the solution of any internal conflict?
Whom we are going to shoot

Very simple and radical decision could be stopping any development and increasing of military spending. Then it can be reduced and minimized.
But now my proposal is to:
move away all the parades from the city center and hold it out of the capital, somewhere desert place. If somebody desires to look at it necessarily I am ready to pay for his/her ticket to go to that place.

Peace to new generations!

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